Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scale: Friend, Enemy or Frenemy?

"While weight-loss isn’t my goal, it is a focus. My main goal is to stop craving the old bad foods. Anywhere you look the biggest reason people fail is because they go back to the pizza’s, the takeaways. I only have one craving; a healthier, longer, happier life. This is my new diet."

A friend of mine has been doing amazing well with his goals for weight loss and overall health. I've been keeping up with him via his blog, and found the above excerpt to be especially poignant! It's so wonderful. Everywhere I look people are doing what they can to become happier and healthier! Kudos to you, friend, for your awesome efforts! I can't wait to see the posts where you give your readers a before and after with your new found physical capabilities, weight loss, et al! *Cheerleads!*

"Jenny Craig" Pose. Pants are a size 18!
In other (heavier) news, I was speaking with another friend about the bathroom scale, and it struck me as so interesting how differently two people can perceive the exact same thing. To her, the bathroom scale is a bad thing because people may tie their self-worth to the number that appears on the scale. To me, the bathroom scale is a good thing because I tie my self worth to the number that appears on the scale. It sounds wrong and convoluted, I know! We're always told that we ought to never assign feelings of self-worth and accomplishment to the scale, and yet we do.

In my own personal experience being accountable to the scale is like being accountable to a Weight Watchers meeting group, to a trainer at the gym, or a doctor...only it is to an even greater degree because I'm the only one that sees the number on the scale and I'm the only one that can keep myself motivated and keep myself going. Seeing that number every single day helps keep me on track. I'm able to look back and analyze my day and the foods I ate and see where there is room for improvement. Do I need to eat less one one kind of food, or do I need to eat more overall? The scale helps me answer these questions. Some people find their inspiration from outside sources, and I find mine from a scale. That's not too weird, is it? The scale this morning said 247.5lbs. That's down 83.5lbs overall, and that is an AWESOME way for me to find the inspiration to keep going!

Eggs out!

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