Monday, January 31, 2011

The Uphill Climb...

Sitting pretty in the Country Club
On Saturday I attended a lovely function at a Country Club to celebrate Burns Night (Mmm husband in a kilt *drool drool*<3). The spread they had there had all the Scottishy fixin's you could imagine, and was (as I looked at the buffet) one of those situations that made the vegetarian in me cringe with fear and the dieter whimper with a lack of willpower.

The first section was salad, the second had buttered green beans, cranberry turnip, roast beef, haggis and then these delicious little butter rolls. BUTTER ROLLS, PEOPLE. Ugh. Willpower was tested, and willpower failed the dodge roll. In the end, the service staff at the Country Club brought me a vegetarian alternative (a yummy pasta cooked with a marinara sauce with mixed in squash, carrot and onion) that I took part of happily, and mixed in to it my rather large salad of field greens and two yummy butter rolls. Yes. Two(2)! Yum. And to finish it off? A piece of angel food cake with strawberry preserves (although I did pick off the whipped cream, in my defense).

My hubby and his patented "cheesy grin"
I did a bad thing though - I didn't eat for the entire day in anticipation of the fact I'd be eating poorly in the evening. It's not something advisable, it's not something good and it isn't something healthy. I don't advise it..

Sometimes we just have one of 'those days'. The days where nothing is quite right, and what you crave to eat are things that aren't good for your body and health. This entire past weekend was essentially a write off for me, as far as my weight loss efforts go. On Sunday morning the naughtyness simply compounded. I ate a single slice of cheese pizza. Hmm...not a good start. And then I went out to meet a friend for coffee at Starbucks and ate a protein pack lunch (single boiled egg, raisin scone, grapes and two apples slices). And then I ordered a caramel machiatto with soymilk and sugar free syrup. I then had a vegetarian sub sandwich (no cheese, no sauce, on whole grain bread), a diet soda, a few boingy/curly fries from Arby's (fat, fatty, fat, death, salt, processed, fat) and three onion rings.

This would make a KILLER fruit hat.
I ended up spending an hour that evening getting sick; my body was in utter rebellion over the 'not quite food' I choose to fill it with. I learned my lesson (again), and we spent Sunday evening at Global Foods which has a huge (and cheap) ethnic/fresh produce selection stocking up for the upcoming weeks.

I'm back on my vegan/gluten free diet. No more nonsense and no more fake/processed foods. I hate when my body starts thinking it would be a good idea to eat naughty foods and then has the audacity to make me ill in response to me eating what it asked me to eat. Naughty body!

Tofu Shiritaki noodles are the new 'in' thing for me!
Today for lunch I ate a delicious 'pasta' dish (above) made from a package of Tofu Shiritaki noodles, and panfried (in a nonstick pan) assorted veggies: A cup and a half of bean sprouts, green pepper, red onion, button mushrooms, garlic powder, cayenne powder and baby bok choy.

I can't dip my feet in the waters of food that is not diet-friendly. I can't, because if I do I suddenly find myself drowning. Food addictions are just as hard to overcome as drug/alcohol addictions...and so much more readily available. Without support this would be impossible...even with support it feels like an uphill climb.

Eggs out.

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