Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weighing In On The Issues: Weightloss and Family

Several of my friends are also losing weight, many right alongside with me. By that I mean that we give each other daily or every-other-daily updates on how we're doing and what we're doing that seems to work. Recently I've found great success with simply adding in as much walking as I can physically manage! Once the blisters subside and heal, I'm left with a firmer butt, and firmer thighs. Who on earth could complain about that? ;) That plateau I was facing a few days back was something I broke through with dramatic flourish, and as of this morning weighed-in at my all-time low of 243.5 pounds - Wahey! Since I started my weightloss efforts I've lost 32.5 inches overall and 86.2 pounds

Anyway, so back to my related musings. The issue a lot of my friends are facing are things like well-meaning saboteur's within their family, people with weight-loss complexes imposing their ideas of what 'healthy weight loss' should be, and then dealing with the Negative Nancy that insists an eating disorder must be the reason for the recent accomplishments because my friend's willpower is assumed to be non-existent. I wonder how these friends of mine combat these issues, while still remaining positive. I should ask, because as much as it is my job to listen I think that learning how to handle the people in life that are offering damaging influence is also very important. I don't know why some people have this *need* to sabotage others, and then get upset about how unhealthy they are! It seems so counter-productive. :(

The biggest issue I find, based on what I hear, seems to be almost like the people surrounding those losing weight are either a bit jealous of the results (but not so jealous as to put the work in themselves), or they don't know how to face the changes for the better that the other person is making. Either way, it seems like the issues the friends and family are facing are all completely focused on issues they have within themselves.

Yesterday was the once-monthly weigh-in at the gym! The numbers are looking GREAT. I was a bit concerned, but I managed to pull off a very solid 9.6 pounds of weight loss, and 9.25" overall inch-loss!
I was definitely concerned about the blood pressure, which seems to be running high...but I initially got three error messages before that result popped up and the person taking it told me it might very well be a false reading. Who knows! I hope the ol' ticker is holding up to the stress of weight loss, but it has so far so I really don't have any reason to suspect those numbers are anything but 'off'. The one thing I love BEST about the chart to the left? Check out the thighs, arms and waist! Three places I find it VERY hard to lose inches, and yet the inches just flew off this past month. WAHEY!

Hope you are having a wonderful, sabotage-free evening!

Eggs out.

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