Monday, January 23, 2012

Thrifting And Goals Made In Ignorance

Yesterday was spent thrifting with a friend at a local thrift shop. I always have a lot of success with cute finds at this location, and on Sundays and Mondays certain clothes that are tagged in certain colours are also 50% off their ticket price. This makes for articles of clothing as low as $2 or $3 per piece, which is great for a girl constantly getting too small for her clothing. The biggest issues I had in shopping were the chest and waist. The waist is always so much smaller than my hips, so my waist needs a size 10, but my hips need a 12. It's great that I love wearing skirts and dresses because I can find a size 10 dress that fits me true to size and then flows out from there. The only complication with that is, of course, my bust which is rather considerable. Finding a dress that fits everything where it needs to is normally quite hard but yesterday I was really successful! I'll plonk a few pictures of the favourite outfits I bought in this entry.

I've also been a bit slack at the gym lately. There has been a lot of stress, and the stress has really impacted my motivation. I'm really giving my diet as much attention as I can knowing that I just haven't felt up to working out. I know I should be harder on myself, less forgiving...I have plans tonight, but starting tomorrow (Tuesday) I'm going to hit the gym every day until Saturday. Even if I just go and take a leisurely ride or walk, I'm going to be there and be present. I picked up some weights at home so I can do squats, lunges, curls, extensions and ab work at home with those if I just feel like doing cardio at Gold's. I'm holding myself accountable here, because I must. Unlike a specific weight goal and saying I want to be x-weight by x-day, these weekly goals of activity or diet are much more achievable.

For example, I wanted to be 165 lbs by the cruise, and I set that goal rather ignorantly. I think I might possibly be able to make it to +/- 170 lbs if I bust my butt in the gym, but setting a goal weight was just..well, ignorance! I have been doing a lot to build muscle (upping protein, weight lifting, changing my diet to accommodate the lifting, etc) and since I haven't done that before I couldn't possibly have known how that would affect me. However, goals of taking a daily multivitamin have been really helpful to my overall health and is a goal I was able to stick to. I think in the past 20 days I've only forgotten the multivitamin about 5 of those days. I'm aware that's a forget rate of 25%, however I'm learning to make it a habit. Considering I would often have a forget rate of 80% or higher, I think that is progress. Taking a daily mutlivitamin doesn't make me feel any more different in ways that I've been able to put my finger on as directly attributed, but I have noticed I've been less exhausted and have therefore been taking less naps. I normally need to nap at least three times a week to keep my energy levels up, not something I like admitting but I have a lot of sleep problems and insomnia and am therefore chronically fatigued. Hormones, chemical ups and downs, working out, children, life, finances...sometimes a nap is just what the doctor ordered.

So I've learned that the number on the scale is something that will come in its own time. I know people have said this to me, but this is my journey. Getting as big as I was is something I did to myself, and getting out of it is something I will have to learn to do by myself. Part of the tools and knowledge surrounding getting out I can glean from others, but truly believing the tools and putting them into practice will take time and effort on my behalf to integrate into my mindset and routine. I've been doing air squats and different activities to get my heart rate up during activities like cooking lunch, or doing dishes so doing more is really getting to be a part of my routine at home.

I'm happy with how I'm getting on!
Eggs out xx

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