Thursday, March 24, 2011

Feeling defeated - I need to eat MORE?

I've been looking at everything wrong, lately. It's so hard sometimes to get the fact that scale results do NOT equal success. I've been feeling so run down and bad lately, topped with the fact my weight is wavering between 236.5 and 239.5 for the past 6 weeks I've been feeling so defeated.
I learned that, according to a BMR calculating website, that I burn 1774 calories simply 'existing'. I gave my diet a relatively thorough once-over to figure out where I land with my calories and I normally hit what I thought was a rather sensible 1200(ish) calories per day. I often run a little bit low, but 1200 is normally the magic number when I eat whatever I want, however I want, as often as I want.

It seems the plateau might actually be caused by me not eating enough - what a fun adventure THIS will be. I can see I'm not eating enough fat, nor am I eating anywhere near enough protein. I take a multivitamin and have gotten slightly better in my hydration department, but It's so overwhelming figuring out what to eat to get my healthy fats and protein up. Nut butter is the obvious choice, but I'm honestly not all that keen on it...and the last thing I want to do is start measuring food, adding calories and keeping a food journal. That's just the kind of thing that puts me OFF wanting to lose weight and stick with it!
So what is a girl to do? I'm not seeing any inches lost, I'm not seeing an pounds lost, so obviously something has to give. I need to figure out a change of pace and a different tactic to come at this issue with head on. There's only so long I can keep going like this before my body, which is apparently being starved, decides that enough is enough and puts me out of commission. I did a "how many calories should I be eating?" calculator online and have found that it suggests I zig-zag cycle around 1900 calories PER DAY. Oh my goodness. I'd need to eat ALL day long! Any suggestions on high calorie, healthy fat foods that pack a healthy punch? I have to try something before I give up.

Another thing I've noticed, which I wanted to blog a bit about, was the fact that whenever I am typing my weight out I always start in the 300's. 338 is something I typed several times just earlier. I have gotten so used to a certain way of looking at myself, so uncomfortably comfortable in a certain role that I automatically place myself there. I wonder how long until that changes...

All for today,

Eggs out.

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