Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just a lazy kind of update :)

Lucy and I! (The neighbor's kitten <3)
I've been busting booty lately, but I've also been finding that for as many days as I work out I need to have a rest day(s) depending on how hard I push it. I really would love to see the 100's by the time I leave for Canada but the more I think about it I'm not sure that it's possible for me. The more weight I lose the harder it is to keep pulling the big numbers. I'm not getting discouraged or upset however, I'm just going to keep doing the best I can do! This morning on the scale I was 226.5 which means I'm down 5.3 pounds in 18 days which is just a little more than half of what I need to be losing to hit my goal weight.

I think I've accepted that it isn't going to happen - but I'm surprisingly okay with that! A few other positive things I've been noticing are that my pearl necklace (pictured in the kitten photo) is sitting lower than when it was first bought for me by my amazing husband. I'm getting an actual collarbone (whoa :-o), and my legs are getting really good definition. Some of the negative (which is really a positive in disguise) is that my waist is starting to fall into line with my bust and hips which makes me feel as though I'm losing my curves. I'm not sure if it's all the elliptical training I'm doing, or if it's something else, but this really makes me want to go ahead and order a corset so I can feel a bit more like normal.

Homemade cupcake skirt
Another big thing? I did a very empowering, very tasteful nude shot with a photographer recently. It documented my curves and where I'm at today. It was kind of nerve-wracking to have everything all 'out there' in front of someone else, but in the end it worked out really great. I enjoyed the experience and can't wait to do it again in a few month's when I'm even closer to my goal weight! Last note of the evening: On April 10 I started recording my elliptical usage. The following entries amused me: Apr 10 - Elliptical 44 min/600cal/1.42M diff 3 (13.6cal/min) and Apr 26 - 26min elliptical/501 cal/diff 6.7/.90 distance (19.3cal/min) which is about a 50% approx increase in calories burned per minute in only two weeks of training! Exciting stuff.

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