Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blasting Off! Paleo in 3...2...1.....

I decided to come off of Medifast because between our finances and the food Robert and I would both require we were having trouble finding a way to make sure both of us would have enough. Medifast has been working better for him than it has for me, and so with that he got to stay on the program.

Since I decided to step down my body has been giving me a hard time. I've gone up from 155.6 lbs to 159.2 lbs. My weight has been steadily increasing with the food shift, as I've also been a little less strict and have been enjoying a few treats. The treats have led me to where I am now: Paleo!

I'm going to be picking the brains of a few friends for information and ideas. I'm going to eat the food groups that early humans would have sourced, the things that our guts are designed to eat. I have no aversions to bringing legumes in once a week, as a special treat (because I love me some legumes) but I'm going to take a much less intense approach to the foods I eat.

When I was doing Eat to Live I was happy, food stress was low, and results were predictable. I have no idea if I could continue having weight loss success on Eat to Live, but I'm going to adapt and make my own food approach by mashing concepts of Eat to Live with Paleo and seeing how my body responds to it.

The weight I want to reach (135lbs) is just an 'arbitrary number', but it is where I want to be. It's a goal I've done all of this hard work for. It's what has kept me going. I could never have gone into this saying, "Oh, well I'm just wanting to be healthy" because that would have been a scapegoat for me. At 250 when I hit a plateau I could have easily said, "Well I'm healthier than I was!" and just stopped there. That's not what I want for myself. I want my body to be a true reflection of how I want it to be, not just what I settle for. I believe in going hard and going all the way. I want to be happy with my body, and right now I'm not happy with my body. It's come a long way from where it was, but it's not where I want to have it stop just yet!

This past weekend my family and I did the 5k Walk for Multiple Sclerosis in Manassas. It was fun! Elysia whinged a lot, she wasn't really feeling up tot he long walk (although didn't have much choice as she clearly couldn't be left) but our dietary changes and the detox process has been hard on her. We've been cutting out the processed stuff that makes up a majority of the Standard American Diet and I know she's missing it. Blake is adapting much better than she is because he hasn't had as much of the processed exposure as his sister has.

We'll see how this goes!

Eggs out


  1. So I'm confused. Paleo is a plan where you eat more animal protein than anything else? How will you mesh that with E2L? Very lean meats with no salt or additives and then everything else is veggies and fruits?

    Out of curiosity, do you think you will stay at 135lbs when you reach it? Like, if your body seems to want to maintain at a slightly higher point will you work harder to maintain at 135, or allow yourself to gain some of the weight back?

    Sorry if I'm being nosy ^^;

    1. I'm going to eat lots of proteins (in my case I will only be eating eggs and fish)..I'm meshing it with E2L in the sense that I'm going to eat when I'm hungry, worrying less about the calories in the food and more about the qualities of the food.

      E2L loves the beans, but is already grain free. I'm going to cut out beans and legumes (except once per week) from my regular diet and replace them with fat free/low fat alternatives like fish and egg whites. The protein will be beneficial to my body, and the qualities of the calorie are more easily digested by my body.

      You know how there's that science of thought that the closer the meat is to us, in composition, the easier it is to digest? You know, eating a pig is easier to digest than eating a rabbit. Eating a monkey would be easier than eating a pig. Eating a human (*shudder shudder*) is actually the ideal protein. Our body recognizes it and knows precisely how to break it down.

      Eating the proteins of things that eat other things is, according to my research, going to help me get the biggest bang for my buck. Fish eat bugs and stuff when they're wild caught (and not farmed) and I think that will help me out.

      I'm meshing theories of Paleo and E2L together to serve my needs.

      You're not being nosey at all! It's helpful to explain it out..helps me get a better feel of exactly what I mean, you know? <3<3
