Monday, April 2, 2012

Giving Myself To The World

Throughout this journey I've been developing my opinions on things nutrition and exercise related. Granted, they're based what has worked for me, but I think I've also cultured a healthy respect for the fact that no two bodies will respond to the same set of circumstances in an identical or easily predictable manner.

It's not always so easy as calories in vs. calories out. It's the quality of calories, the timing of the calories, the delivery method for the calories, and learning how to eat to feed the demands of your own body. My body, I've learned, does not tolerate low carb diets with any measure of grace. I react negatively to the target carb zone for the Medifast diet. My body is not my husband's body - he, whom has lost some 25 pounds in 5 weeks, and doesn't have any health side effects from the foods.

I'm looking forward to working on my doctorate degree in holistic nutrition (do you have any idea how strange that is to say?! It's like the first time you eat baby octopus and the little legs are all hanging around in your mouth and you don't quite know what to do with them. I'm looking forward to the challenge, though!) because I think it'll add an entire dimension to the knowledge I've gained on my own. Knowledge that other great minds have come together to prepare. I'll have my horizons broadened and will learn more methods for more bodies, so that I can help people who were just like me. I've developed the outlines of a business model, so that I can peruse my dreams once the degree is complete.

I'm so happy and excited that I've kept this blog up throughout my weight loss because I can look back and see how a little seedling of hope and dream has started germinating into something that promises to be more. I'm excited for more. I will be more. And I will turn around and give it all back. I have a feeling that this is the calling I've always had. The dream I always had, the vision I always wanted to share. I'm eager to give myself to this world in this way.

They say the best ideas start at home. We're going to finish the foods we have in the house that aren't ideal (I just made cupcakes today, with chocolate frosting!) but have only been bringing in foods that fit our 'ideal foods' model. Those ideal foods are gluten free, naturally occurring sugar only, and not overly processed and full of fats. It's exciting for my family to be moving in this direction, and even more exciting that my husband is 100% behind me.

Today, friends, is a good day.

Eggs out

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