Tuesday, June 7, 2011

[008] Day 8 of 8: Weigh-In Day!!

My "Very Excited But Not Ready Yet" webcam face!
Well folks, I did it. I set a weight loss goal in an earlier post of hitting 215 lbs this weigh in. That meant I had 8lbs to lose since last month, and I walloped that goal by losing a total of 9.8lbs. At this point of my journey after having lost SO much, I couldn't be happier. On Biggest Loser there were weeks where the contestants at my size after losing this much weight would only lose 1 pound a week - that's only 4lbs a month! This just means I'm on track with my goals. I know I can't expect these delightfully big numbers every month, but I can sure celebrate this one while I have it.

And now for goal review:

Action Oriented Goal: (May 31- June 7) Exercise at least 20min/day elliptical, at least 4x arm exercises and 3x sit up. Complete (One night exception when I was too physically ill. I give myself a pass on this.)
Passive Oriented Goal: (June 1-June 8) Eat to Live 100%, no eating out. Complete (Did have one sip of lemonade, and bought one cup of hot water to drink whilst out..but again, giving a pass on this infraction.)
End goal: (May 31-June 8) Get a successful weigh in at Curves of any number under 220lbs, maximum 219.9lbs.Complete (Weighed in one day early because my last day at Curves calculations were off.)

Points of Note: 
  • I now weigh less than my husband. This is the first time this has been true in our entire time knowing each other. Ever. Ever ever. This is serious business people! FOR SERIOUS! :D And he's even been losing weight!
  • I weigh less now than I ever have in my entire adult life (since 18 years old)
  • Only 78.2lbs until my end-goal weight, and only 33.2 until my "Complete 180"
     celebration. Any suggestions on what to do for my celebration? :D
  •  My success is overwhelming at times. I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know how to trust the numbers on the scale falling downward.
  • I go through the same cycle EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. Huge weight loss before weigh-in, lose a few more pounds, gain about 5, lose them all and then some. I beat myself up about it, but I think that might be what keeps my motivated. What do you think about that concept? Yes I'm way too hard on myself, but look at how it's paying off. Is it worth it to push myself harder, push myself longer, push myself more, do you think?
  • I'm going home to Canada in about 6 weeks. I'm so terribly nervous that I'll fall off the wagon when I go home. I have every single other time I've ever gone home. I hope and pray I have truly learned the skills and the proper mindset to be able to stay on top of myself.
  • There are two people in my life right now, other than my husband (which makes for three people), that make me so, so happy just to 'be'. I'm surrounded by friends and family, surrounded by love and living success every day. Couldn't be more thankful for all of these wonderful lights in my life.
Robert suggested that I make an additional goal to combat my fears of going to Canada and gaining weight (As I have always done this in the past). Therefore my goal weight for July 8th, right before we leave for Canada, is 208 pounds. I'll re-address my goals for whilst I'm actually *in* Canada next month and see where I'm at and whether a goal of maintaining is more reasonable than a goal of losing. Travel always effs up my metabolism!

Guess that is all for now! 
Eggs out xx


  1. <3

    I would say set a goal for maintaining and then if you happen to lose then it's a bonus!

  2. <3 Yes I think that is a pretty sound idea!
