Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me.

Beautiful Hello - Blog Entry"I'm still reeling from the fact I'm only 14.2 pounds away (currently 214.2lbs) from being in the 100's. If I lose 6.6lbs per month, for the rest of the months until November I'll hit my 180 goal at the same time as my birthday. I'm really thinking that this is a healthy and reasonable goal to set for myself, and so? NEW GOAL: 180lbs by my 27th birthday." - June 8, 2011

Picture Dated: 11/22/2011. Wahey!
Dear blogging world: I made it! I was worried because there was a point a week ago where I was 5.4 pounds away from my goal. On top of packing on muscle (you should see my calves and quads!) I've been struggling with an on-going two week long plateau. My body decided it didn't like working out (or it did, but got stubborn anyway) and then when I kept going it finally relented. "Fine," said my body, "If we MUST."

I have to say, I am loving my new muscles. The more muscle I have the higher my BMR is. That essentially translates to "Do nothing, burn more! YAY!" I know that's probably not the intended purpose of building muscle, but it's a wonderful added perk. Anything to enable further laziness, right?

Today is also fantastic because it marks the day I've officially lost 150 pounds, overall. I think the enormity of what I've accomplished so far hasn't hit me. I doubt it ever will hit me. I get glimpses of my feats when I look at old pictures of myself, but nothing has ever truly smack me in the face and made me realize precisely what I've done...I know whatever it is, it's great though because I feel so much better.

I guess this is all for today! Special lunch at home with my wonderful husband (whom has also started up working out with me at the gym. It's great having a work out buddy that is also my S.O. I love seeing him investing in his own health and well-being.)

Eggs out

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