Thursday, February 23, 2012

Becoming A Warrior - Rar!

"I want this. It is mine and I will take it."

A warrior's stance, a soldier's driving force. There is a goal, a mission, something to capture and seize. Something to possess and then guard with your life. Do I sound a little bit melodramatic to you when I say "guard with your life"? I think that statement cheapens nothing, I think it exalts that one thing worth protecting: Happiness.

Without it, what is a life worth? Without it, or the struggle to capture it, what is a life worth? Without the hope of it, the knowledge of it - what is a life worth? We are outraged by war acts in third world countries, we are outraged by rapes and crimes against others. We are shocked and dismayed that someone might kill another person over a measly pair of sneakers...

And yet how are we not outraged that we often hate ourselves? Loathe ourselves? Harm ourselves, even kill ourselves? Wish we were anything but what we are? Why, instead, do we take on the issues of the world when we are so unhappy within ourselves that we are incapable of bringing change. We become toxic, we lose our fight, we lose our will and we submit to a life without happiness we bring about for ourselves.

There is a war. Perhaps I do sound melodramatic, but I call it as I see it. There is a war and it is time for everyone to put on their best defenses and gain a good offense. It's time we stopped letting society batter us into unhappiness and it's time we took by force that which I believe all humans have entitlement to: Happiness. There will be no prisoners in this war of mine, and I wish for every other person fighting that they take no prisoners as well.

As long as my happiness will not harm and damage others I will do whatever I can to possess it. I have gone so long without it that sometimes I feel starved, and I find ways to gorge myself on it. Happiness is an addiction that is worth having and worth spreading to others. I will fight back, I will fight hard, and I will fight strong because I am strong, I am capable and I am worthy,
I feel empowered to be able to say: "I want this, it is mine and I will take it" about my life. There is nothing more beautiful than knowing, and getting, what you want because you earn it and you deserve it.

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