Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting off to a good start...

Another one of my personal goals, not listed on the previous entry, is to spend more time with my family as a family. Experiencing things together and showing the children all the awesome opportunities they truly have. I don't want to be a couch potato family, or a tv family. I want to spend quality time doing quality things. Sometimes it's so easy to feel overwhelmed or tired and to just 'need to decompress' but sitting rather than doing, and I want to make sure the kids learn that getting out and having fun is the best way to go. The best way for them to learn that is for Robert and I to set that as an example.

Today we went skating and it was SO FUN. Blake didn't really think too much about the ice, it was something he found slippery and wasn't overly keen on. He tried his best, and then got tired of it so instead he rode around the rink a few times balance on my hip.

Personally, I haven't skated since I was thirteen or so. Possibly a little younger, truth be told I can't really remember. I do know that I was really uncomfortable in skates for the first fifteen minutes and wanted to give up after Elysia started acting out in frustration of not being able to 'get it'. We all stuck with it though and eventually we all got it. Blake had to leave the rink but Robert and I switched off with him so the other could have a turn on the ice. Elysia skated for two hours straight and was really amazing. She went from grasping onto the boards for dear life, to being comfortable enough to skate out on the ice and around those on the boards in front of her. There were a few spills and falls, but she managed to recover and keep going after each one.
It was a wonderful day, and something so special to share as a family!

Eggs out

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