Thursday, October 27, 2011

Five to Blast Off

Hopped on the scale this morning and saw 185.0. That's pretty exciting as that means there is only 5 pounds to go until I've hit my second major weight-loss goal. The first weight-loss goal being the celebration surrounding losing 100 pounds.

It's hard to believe I was even this weight in sixth grade. I have the confidence and strength to carry it off now, but in sixth grade? I never had a chance. I had no actual idea of what I needed to do to keep my weight in check. It never registered. Junk food was part of the 'norm'. I'm sad for the younger me but I'll do right by her now. I have the time and the opportunity to make it okay.

I have a series of 14 sessions with a personal trainer coming up. I reckon if I go twice per week that'll give me seven weeks of hardcore training plotted out. I was asked what my goals were, and I really had to think about it. My goal isn't just to lose weight anymore. I want to be able to run 5k's and only be winded, rather than wishing for death. I want to be able to run 10k's. I want to be able to cycle and jog and swim. So I decided my goals were as following: 1) Build muscle, 2) Lose weight, 3) Improve cardiovascular endurance. I'm going to make updates about how I see improvement in one of those three areas in all upcoming blog entries. I've been working out every night this week and here is what I've noticed so far: (Improve Cardiovascular): Day one I was only able to cycle on level 1 for 20 minutes. Last night I was able to cycle on level 3 for 20 minutes. Woo!

That's all for this morning!

Eggs out

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