Thursday, October 27, 2011

Physical Trainer: Which of us shall kick the butt of the other?

My old work pants, size 26W. Used to be too small on me!
Right now I'm hiding under a pile of blankets and pillows, fighting off a pretty substantial chill. I had a hard work out at the gym tonight: 35 minutes on the stair stepper (110 flights climbed) 323.1 calories burned. 30 minutes of hard cycling (great cardio) 199 calories burned. Brisk walk (with hubby when I got home) for 0.8 miles and 49 calories burned. That's a total of 571.1 calories burned.

I kicked ass. Just saying.

The 35 minutes on the stairstepper did attempt to kick me back though. I've learned that I go good for the first 20 minutes on levels 5/6, but the last 15 minutes just become entirely laborious. Having something to focus on would be nice, since climbing stairs is exceedingly boring, but I have nothing to keep my eyes on. The televisions at the gym are close-captioned and I don't see well which means I can't read them. My music is awesome, but the tempo is much too fast for effective stair climbing. A television should I could watch would be awesome, but I don't have anything that streams video or whatever. I don't know what to do..just suck it up and bust it out, probably!
All of me in one leg of my old size 26W pants.
I started with my first day at the physical trainer today. His name is Nana and he is from Ghana. I hope we get an awesome working relationship together and he pushes me in all the ways I'm hoping to be pushed. I'm going to take a morning weight tomorrow, along with a set of PT starting measurements, so I can compare Pre-PT me to Post-PT me. I'm really excited to see how the rather large cash investment for PT will pay off. This whole physical trainer thing is so...awesome. I'm so blessed my husband and I were able to swing this. That with everything going on my husband realizes how important this is to me, for both now and my future. I am going to grab tight onto my dreams and realize the heck out of them

Only 52 pounds to go until goal.

Eggs out

1 comment:

  1. Hurray and congratulations on making it so far!

    I suggest getting an e-reader. You can get them fairly inexpensively and most come with books on them I think.Read the heck out of some classics while you stair climb your way to super hotness.
