Friday, July 15, 2011

The Daily Blog Up

I've been in a whirlwind of emotions lately. I'm dealing with a lot of things on my plate, seemingly all at once. I've been sitting down and sorting out my priorities, making a pie chart of what is most important to me. It's not a perfect pie chart, but it's a medley pie made up with family/weight-loss/spirituality-personal awareness/friendships right now. It's nice to finally sit and be able to say "There are my priorities, and this is the order." Not to say my friendships are least important and that I'll change the way I interact with friends, it's just that in order to be the best friend I can be I need to figure myself and my body out. Supporting other people, or at least a bunch of other people, can be exhausting emotionally and my plate has so many 'extras' on it right now. I have my priority pie with too many extra nibbles on the side. Sorry for the horribly cheesy comparison of my life to a pie. Wait..cheesy pie? This sounds like a good idea ;)

I was 204.6 lbs this morning. Only need to lose 4.7 pounds to have met a goal set for August 18, 2011: "To be, or have at least seen, 199 lbs on the scale by next weigh in".

Today pick up my kiddo from camp and I see some family I have not seen in quite a few years. I hope to find this weekend to be emotionally and spiritually renewing as I need to take a break from the Blog Up Challenge to pursue my mental health. I hope Bethan understands (I explained to her recently that my downswing was coming so hopefully this makes more sense to her). I will see Betha hopefully on Saturday when I get my tattoo and again on Sunday for our Weekly % (excited) but she's one of the only people I can imagine seeing right now with all that is going on in my poor little world of not enough understanding :)

I will be well. I always am. I haven't been pity eating (although I have been eating markedly more) junk food even though I've really just wanted nothing more but to tuck into a big bag of crunchy goodies. Perhaps some apple chips will cure my crunchy cravings, better than Ringolo's anyway ;)

Eggs is on a soul searching adventure.

1 comment:

  1. You are right. To be the best friend that you can be you have to be the best you you can be first. It's a similar boat we're in and Dave and I have been 'downsizing' stressors as well. You'll get there.
