Monday, July 25, 2011

Successful Apprehension

This morning I weighed in at 201.6lbs! I keep getting closer and closer, but 199 feels like it's just teasing me at this point. I understand fully that sooner or later I'll hit 199, and then sail past it. And when I'm down in the 160's, 150's, 140's I'll go back to this entry and read it to inspire me to hit the next 10-set goal. In the mean time, I'm so eager to achieve this short term goal I've assigned to myself that I'm quite beside myself with excitement. I made a post today on a social networking site that went something to the tune of "EeeeeeEEeeeEEeeeeeEeeeeeEEEEeeee! Only 1.7lbs to go!" Hehe. Excitement is okay,  I guess - more motivating than depression.

I'm going out to my Dad's this week and then coming back in to my mother's house for Tidal Bore Rafting discussed in yesterday's post. I'm hoping to actually get in the water and go swimming this week. That's a short term goal. Although I've actually been in the water I haven't gone swimming because I've been so busy keeping up with the baby that I haven't had the opportunity to get in and get wet by swimming a few laps. I know a couple of secluded beaches that we can use where no one else will be there, that have lots of shallow water (Blake refuses to go in deep at this point) so I might be able to go in just deep enough to swim and keep an eye on him at the same time if I can find him a baby lifejacket to wear for safety. I know just the beaches that we'll be going to - ones I haven't been to since I was a wee lass. It's been an age and I just can't wait to return.

Since I'm returning back to my Dad's house I know I'll be more busy with the children - physically speaking at least. Since it's out in the country you need to walk everywhere for your entertainment. On the same note I also find my eating habits are much more poor out at my Dad's house, but I can't figure out why.

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