Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"The dreams of my future were gone" - Biggest Loser UK

I'm watching the Biggest Loser UK has brought up a few questions in my mind. Firstly, they talk a lot about changing your mindset for successful weight loss. So I started thinking about this, what do *I* think it takes mentally to lose weight? You need to be truly ready to change. You need to not think that achieving your goal is a naive dream because it's never worked before. You need to pace yourself and know that nothing happens overnight, and that ups and downs will happen. Ultimately though I think, for sure, one needs to have not given up before they've even started. By that I mean this: You need to come at it with a smile and a knowledge that because you're ready, you WILL succeed. There is no 50% in getting healthy, it's 100% or nothing. If it's any less than 100% you've already failed.
Homemade lentil dish with tomato, carrot, potato, and more!

With that said, if you're only at 80% and have a friend to help you learn to motivate the last 20% until you've finally seen enough results to believe it for yourself that'll do too. One just needs to stick with it, find the time, find the resources and MAKE it work. Find the support, find the help, and just rock it out. That's what I think it takes, mentally speaking, to lose weight.

Now, with that all said I think I'm starting to lack support. I was talking to Bethan, my E2L buddy, about my fears of her leaving after so soon starting up. I talked out a few things, and I decided to copy and paste this over because it is so genuinely me:

"I've done so much weightloss and I get support and kind comments here and there, but I've done 95% of it all on my own..even begging for support when I was ready to quit, in tears properly begging, because Robert would rather watch telly than get in my face and scream at me to carry on. It's so tiring always being on your own. The games I play... it's almost like I set up someone to fight against so I can pretend I'm not alone. A goal to see who wins: Lazy me, or Healthy me."
I feel so lonely sometimes, and so fulfilled at others. It's hard to be fighting a battle by yourself and always alone climbing uphill both ways to the end goal. 135 pounds is my end goal. I'm coming for it. I will achieve it. I just need to always believe it.

Eggs out.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, and your meal looks excellent. I wish I could partake.

    I'm sorry that I couldn't always be that personal trainer type that can get in your face and scream at you when you want to quit. I wish I could be that type of motivation for you.

    As we spoke about today, I'm going to do a blog about my food choices starting tonight, and together we can track each others' progress from afar and offer support wherever we can.

    Either way, I'm so very proud of you and what you've done, and what you're going to do. Keep it up!
